Real Techniques starter set

Let me introduce you to the Real Techniques Starter kit. These are the absolutely must have brushes for your pretty eyes!

I have used them for years and my favourite one is the eyebrow brush. I truly love them and I believe it is my second set already. I find that these are also a great last minute gift idea for anyone who is into makeup and loves quality products.

The best thing about them is that you can use them for so many different things. For example, I use the eyebrow brush for my eyebrows, but I also use it for my eyeliner and eyeshadow and the same goes for all these brushes. You can be creative, you can easily use them to apply eyeshadow for your eyes, or another time you can use the clean brush to apply concealer on your blemishes. My point is, don’t get scared of the name eyebrow brush (it doesn’t mean you cannot use on your lips if you want). Because they are synthetic brushes – they are a dream to clean.
I do find that my other makeup brushes that are made of natural hair, are much more difficult to manage. These aren’t really meant to be used to apply foundations or concealers and if you dry them poorly, they can get out of shape very fast.
So that brings to my last point. The set comes with this really weird black case in the box.
To be honest, I used to just throw them away as I really didn’t find a good use for them.
Then I discovered that the black cases are amazing for the times I need to set my brushes to dry after washing them, this trick works especially well with my blending brushes like the Sigma 25 one (these are made of natural hairs). I find after using this trick they stay in a much better shape after drying them in that way. So try out my little trick and let me know if you found it helpful.

